Chairman: Martin Reynolds.

                                                MEETING HELD ON
                                        WEDNESDAY 8TH JULY 2009

Present:  17 Residents plus PC Patel.


Welcome and Apologies:

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and received the following apologies: -
Clive and Brenda Garner, Anne Lamin, Iona and Wayne Burbridge, Nancy Durham, Julia Timms, Baz and Lesley Morris and Karen Mensak.

Traffic Concerns:

Peter Dale and PC Patel presented their findings on investigations into traffic concerns. It was concluded by all that street furniture was either unnecessary, inappropriate or excessively expensive and no further action would be taken.
The Highways Authority will provide a ‘Village Only’ sign at the Bruntingthorpe Road entrance into Mill Lane.
A concern over traffic parking by the Chandlers Arms was raised and PC Patel said he would resolve it.

Neighbourhood Watch:

New signs have been erected and old ones have been cleaned.  The recent Best NHW Award is on display in the Chandlers Arms.  The cash prize has been added to the Parish Accounts.

Ongoing Matters:

Grass verge signs for Welford Road.
The new grass cutters are leaving long grass on Mill Lane.
Salt Bins to be priced.
Planning Matters: Plans and Projects were read out to the Meeting.
David Bramwell and Clive Garner have walked all the brooks and ditches in the village to assess work required. They are now establishing whose responsibility the work is.


We need to appoint a Planning Representative for the Council.  As yet no takers.
Playground inspection documents were passed to Gaynor Barnacle.  Please note Playground Insurance covers public liability.
Alan Barnacle stood down as Tree Warden .
Sally Timms volunteered to be the Electoral Register Canvasser.
Harborough Play Rangers will be on the Green Thursday 20th August 2009.


Rob Lamin reported on the AGM and gave an update of current finances.


Village Hall:

Martin Littlejones gave a report on the AGM.
Jill Stanley has joined the committee.
The mothers an toddlers group has folded.
To hire the room is £10 for villagers and £20 for outsiders.

Community Association:

Music on the Green will be on 8th August 2009.
The Car Museum trip tickets available soon.

Church Notices:

David Durham reported on the AGM.
Margaret Godsmark has retired from the post of Church Warden.
The Promises Auction raised £4000 which will go to repairing a wall and windows in the church tower.
Reverend Alison will soon be made up into a Rector.
Harvest Festival will be last Sunday in September.
Harvest Supper the day immediately after.

Next Meeting

To be arranged